
Today's Agenda

I want to be a mommy who is always having adventures with her kids. Coming up with new things to Do. See. Explore. I can't wait until HG is old enough to where we can have mud fights, splash in the puddles, dance in the rain, "paint" the driveway with water and a paintbrush, pretend to "shave" daddy's face with real shaving cream, roll down hills, see images in the clouds, sing worship songs to the Lord really loud while dancing around in our backyard, run through the sprinkler, go ice skating, spend an entire afternoon washing mommy's car... you get the picture.

But, what do you do when you are a stay at home mom and your daughter is only 9 months old? There are only some many times that my baby duck likes to play with her toys, walk up and down the couch, and go for rides in the laundry basket. To overcome boredom I try to keep our days busy. With errands. Play dates at the park. Lunch dates out with a girlfriend and her daughter. Library visits. Stroller walks. Mall walks. Target walks. Any kind of walks. I remind myself that this "baby" season where it's just her and I will only last for so long. If the Lord blesses us, pretty soon there will be brothers and sisters toddling around and HG will be leading the pack. But today, when it's cold outside and little ducky has a runny nose and isn't feeling up to going places, we are trying very hard to come up with things to make today exciting.

So you ask, what is on our schedule for today?
  • noodles
  • rice
  • shapes
  • a big metal pot
No, we aren't cooking. We're creating a messy, sensory dish. 

:) And maybe we'll get a hold of daddy's shaving cream just for the fun of it. 

To all the mommy's trying hard to keep the 1 year old and younger babes entertained. You rock!



In the midst of our trouble we must trust that God is up to something good. Jesus allows us to walk through pain or difficulty because it is a prelude to greater blessing.

We might not always see or realize the greater blessing right away (or sometimes at all), but we must have faith that it is always there. And through that faith in God's goodness we can be filled with hope, contentment, and even joy.