
Happiness is...

Today is the first official day of Spring. Welcome Spring!
This stay-at-home mama is so glad you're finally here. 

I've decided to start a section of my blog devoted to the idea "happiness is" We have so many things to be thankful for in our lives! So many ways that we can experience God's face smiling upon us everyday and share in His joy. I don't want to miss these moments. These little blessings from God. These little times of happiness. 

Today happiness is when my daughter picks dandelions for me and, with a triumphant smile, eagerly places them in my hand. What misguided person ever decided that dandelions were weeds and not flowers? Shame on them. These bright yellow little balls remind me of the sunshine and immediately make me smile. Some may scoff when a child hands them a "weed," but I, I celebrate. Thank you for, literally, brightening my day HG. These will always be priceless flowers in my book and I'll take a bouquet of them any day!


Thursday Scripture

Overtime the Lord has taught me how helpful it is to have scripture around your house. I love the idea of having one piece (whether artwork, or sculptures, or a printable verse, etc) in every room to remind me to think about our wonderful God. For me today, it was something as simple as writing these two verses out on sticky notes and posting them to my kitchen cabinets.

"Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
Luke 12:32

artwork credit: Johann Baptist Hofner

"Do everything without complain and arguing."
Philippians 2:14

artwork credit: Curly Girl Design

One of the best antidotes the Lord has given me to complaining is to plant thankfulness in my heart instead!


A Stolen Monday

Over two inches of ice fell here last night in our little corner of TN. Excitement buzzed in the air as we woke up this morning - would it be an ice day for hubby? The trees were covered in ice. The swing set was covered in ice. And the roads were covered ice. Hooray! Not such a party for all the people that tried to get into work this morning (we frequently heard of 12 vehicle car crashes on the highways near us and of other vehicles getting stuck going up hills), but HG and I celebrated this stolen Monday home with Dad. I prayed for all the nurses that would have to make the trek into Nashville this morning, and thanked the Lord that I was not one of them. Then it was onto pancakes!

Once the sun started to rise, the snow started to fall. It was glorious. A few hours later and we were all bundled up and ready to have fun. Here are a few of my favorite shots from our snowy, splendid day:

Hot Chocolate Cheers to Monday Y'all!