
Learning to Pray

 Luke 11: 9-10 "And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

The Lord's been reminding me this week how important it is to pray. And to top that off he's been sweetly whispering in my ear ways to help me implement this sweet grace. How you might ask? By choosing to use objects around my house as daily reminders to lift certain people up to the Lord. The picture of my daughter on the wall. The canvas of my husband and I standing under a tree holding hands. Little toddler t-shirts and clean underwear. How often I pass these mundane items and fail to take note of the deeper beauty. I'm blessed to have a family to fold underwear for and to hang pictures on my wall of! So I'm trying to choose little things here and there that are already around my house and to use them as prayer markers.

The plaque you see above is a quote from the song that was played at our wedding. If you haven't heard the song yet, you ought to youtube it. It's lovely. Anyways, while scrubbing the jelly off of my counters tonight I looked up at that plaque that's been staring at me for such along time and thought, "what a great thing to use to help remind me to pray for my marriage."

And so I prayed. And will try to continue to every time I see that little plaque perched up next to my husband's coffee pot.

Dear Lord,
Be with my husband and I and bless our marriage. Knit us tightly together and help us to cling to one another in times of joy and in times of trials. Protect us from the traps that can so easily ensnare. Help us everyday to choose to love you and love one another. And by your grace let us grow really old together. Like hearing aids, and gray hair, and dentures old. Please bless us with a long and fruitful life together that is lived to your glory. Thanks Dad!