
Training - Day 2

Knowing that our family was going to be out of the house until 6 tonight, I decided that I needed to hit the pavement this morning. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are my training days. Today's training was a repeat run from day 1 (5 minute warm up walk, 20 minutes of 60 seconds running + 90 seconds walking), 5 minute cool down walk). The air was fresh (praise God for weather in the 60's) and my body felt good, but a few minutes into the running portion and things got hard. Maybe it was the added weight of my daughter and her stroller, or maybe that's just what exercise feels likes :) as a girl who hasn't exercised for a long time I wouldn't know the difference! My left side pained a bit near where I had my ovary sugary back in October, but I'm assuming that must be normal. I pushed through to the end and added another 2.07 miles to my shoes.

Today I am thankful for:

  • The added energy I have from all this exercising! Running every other day and doing Body flow on the inbetweenies (yoga+Pilates) is really helping my body to feel good. At dinner last night, a time where I'm normally using every last cent I have to get dinner on the table, I was joyfully dancing with my daughter and laughing with my husband. 
  • The beautiful fall like weather that God blessed me with during my run. Running when it's 80 degrees outside = no running at all. Running when it's 60 degrees outside = pleasant fun.
  • The sweet melodious sound the crickets made during my cool down. While they weren't actually harmonizing with my mp3, it was enjoyable to hear the worship music and the sound of God's own creation praising Him.

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